About the taxi
« A taxi is a wheeled motor vehicle with a maximum of 9 seats. Its owner or operator, holder of a valid driving licence for more than 3 years must have a special permit allowing him to park in designated parking areas. »
The regulations
The profession of taxi driver is a very strictly regulated one. To earn the right to become a recognised taxi driver it's back to school. Only after an intensive 6 week course, verification of a possible criminal record and the passing of the diploma is a professional card delivered by the Prefecture enabling the driver to join the profession.
The permits

On top of this, the driver has to own or rent a taxi permit, issued by a dedicated department in the City hall. Moreover, the number of permits allocated is strictly limited. For the City of Lyon, for example, the maximum number of authorised taxis is 1,002, with 349 in the other communes of Single Pick up Zone (SPUZ) – Prefectoral By-law°1735 of March 3rd 2008.
Home taxi companies – including Taxi Lyonnais – hold a number of taxi permits that they rent to drivers. These drivers are Sole Traders. They rent the permit and, thus, have access to the radio network.
There is another category of taxi driver: the Independents. They own their own vehicles and permits and can be syndicated, or affiliated to a network.
As a rule, each taxi has a permit number displayed on the interior of the rear left-hand door. This number allows the identification of the driver of the taxi.

The features of Taxi Lyonnais
The taxis affiliated to Taxi lyonnais have a blue luminous sign on the roof and signs with the «tuned in lion» symbol of Lyon. Yet, there is another way to recognise a driver from our company. The radio call sign (a word followed by a number, e.g: R22, B15, ...). This is a code that makes the job of the switchboard operators much easier.
Finally, to whisk you far-away in the space of a few moments, the names used are those of Indonesian Islands; Bali, Guam, Riau, Java and Vaté, names that will transport you to dream-like destinations while you sit back at the rear of your cab.