The peninsula and Croix Rousse
The presqu’île (peninsula) of Lyon makes up the heart of the city. This district, located between the rivers Rhône and Saône abounds with monuments of all kinds.
La presqu’île stretches from the foot of the slopes of the Croix Rousse to the Confluence.
Over the years this district has undergone a number of mutations. You will be able to discover the exceptional religious edifices such as the church of Saint Nizier or even the church of Saint Bonaventure, but also an array of prestigious buildings and fountains. Ce quartier a connu, au fil des siècles, des mutations perpétuelles. Vous pourrez découvrir des édifices religieux exceptionnels tels que l'église Saint Nizier ou encore l’église Saint Bonaventure, mais également de prestigieux bâtiments et fontaines.